Well, they're finally here. Tonight, millions, well maybe not millions, of americans and foreign audiences will sit down on their couches and watch the Academy Awards which I believe are in their 8oth year. Though there may seem to be hardly any suspense in the categories which list Slumdog as a nominee, I think that we could indeed end up seeing a suprise or two tonight, and I'm not talking about the telecast's format either, which in itself is also creating some palpable excitement from Oscar watchers around the world. So without further adu here are my final Oscar predictions for each and every category. - Tyler j. Pratt "The Oscar Hut"
Live Action Short Film:
Auf der Strecke
Manon on the Asphalt
New Boy
The Pig
I unfortunately have not seen any of these short films this year, so I have to go with what title looks most likely to called tonight. My Prediction: Toyland, What Could Win: The Pig
Best Animated Short:
La Maison en Petits...
Lavatory Lovestory
This Way Up
Having seen Presto and This Way Up, I feel much more confident in predicting this award. For some reason many people are predicting La Maison en Petits... to the award which begs the question: Did you see Presto ? Hands down, the best animated short I think I've ever seen, Presto is nearly perfect, never hitting a false note. My Prediction: Presto, What Could Win: La Maison en Petits...
Best Documentary Short:
The Conscience of Nhem En
The Final Inch
Smile Pinki
The Witness From the Balcony of Room 306
I really have nothing to say about this category so...My prediction: The Witness From the Balcony of Room 306, What could win: The Final Inch
Best Documentary:
The Betrayal
Encounters at the End of the World
The Garden
Man on Wire
Trouble The Water
I've seen Encounters, Man on Wire and Trouble the water, which leads me to confidently say that the best of these nominees is Werner Herzog's Encounters at the End of The World which I loved. But it wont win, it wont even come in second in this vote. My Prediction: Man on Wire, What could win: Trouble the Water, What Should win: Encounters at the End of the World
Best Animated Feature aka: The Pixar Award:
Kung Fu Panda
With a masterpiece in Wall-e this year and Up next year, I think we will be seeing a threepeat not seen since Michael Jordan led my hometown Chicago Bulls to two threepeats during their dynastic decade of the 90's. Wall-e is without a doubt, for me, Pixar's best work yet, and it will win this in a landslide. My Prediction: Wall-e, What Could Win: I'm sticking with Wall-e, What Should Win: Wall-e
Best Foreign Film:
France-The Class
Germany-Der Baader Meinhof Komplex
Israel-Waltz With Bashir
This is the first year that I have ever seen all the nominees for this category, and with that said, The class should be the victor here but it faces some extreme competition with the also excellent Waltz With Bashir. There have been rumblings that Japan's Departures could take it but I highly doubt it. My Prediction: The Class, What Could Win: Waltz With Bashir, What Should Win: The Class
Best Makeup
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Dark Knight
Hellboy 2
This is a kind of tough category to call. Button features great aging makeup, The Dark Knight created an iconoclastic new version of the Joker, and Hellboy 2 was a makeup artists wet dream. So who wins here ? I'm gonna go with the movie that involves a ton of aging and de-aging. My Prediction: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, What Could Win: The Dark Knight, What Should Win: Benjamin Button
Best Visual F/X:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Dark Knight
Iron Man
This is another tough one because any one of these could win, and deserves to win. Unfortunately for the super heroes, Button features the most innovative effects since Jurrasic Park scared the shit out of litttle kids everywhere *cough cough*. My Prediction: The Curious of Button, What Could Win: The dark Knight, What Should Win: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Best Sound Editing:
The Dark Knight
Iron Man
Slumdog Millionaire
Slumdog Millionaire's inclusion here is a joke, it does not deserve either award but I have a feeling that it could win if there is indeed a sweep, (Which I predicted back when the BAFTA nominees were announced so dibs) but I cannot in good conscience predict a film this undeserving so, My Prediction: The dark Knight, What Could Win: Slumdog "ughh" Millionaire, What Should Win: The Dark Knight or Wall-e
Best Sound Mixing:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Dark Knight
Slumdog Millionaire
Read Sound Editing. My Prediction: The Dark Knight, What Could Win: Slumdog Millionaire, What Should Win: Wall-e
Best Original Song:
"Jai Ho"-Slumdog Millionaire"
"O Saya"-Slumdog Millionaire"
"Down to Earth"-WALL-E
I am disowning this category for its exclusion of The Boss, Slumdog will win. My Prediction: Jai Ho, What Could Win: O Saya, What Should Win: The Wrestler, I am pretending it was nominated
Best Original Score:
Curious Case-Desplat
Slumdog Millionaire-Rahman
This is another race full of deserving nominees that will ultimately be shut out by Slumdog Millionaire which was a good movie with good direction, nothing more. I hated that soon to be Oscar winning score. My Prediction: Slumdog Millionaire, What Could Win: Wall-e, What Should Win: Any nominee but Slumdog
Best Costume Design:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Duchess
Revolutionary Rd
I can only go by what I thought looked good, I dont know much about costumes. My Prediction: The Duchess, What Could Win: Benjamin Button, What Should Win: Benjamin Button
Best Art Direction
Benjamin Button
The Dark Knight
The Duchess
Revolutionary Road
All of these films had excellent Art Direction, but none measure up to the excellence in design showcased in Button. My Prediction: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, What Could Win: The Duchess, What Should Win: Button
Best Cinematography:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Dark Knight
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire
This year featured good cinematography, but nothing on par with last years excellent examples like There Will Be Blood and The Assassination of Jesse James. However, these nominees are all at least worthy of the prize and I could see any of them winning if it were not for Slumdog's inclusion. My Prediction: Slumdog Millionaire,What Could win: The Dark Knight, What Should Win: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Dark Knight or Changeling
Best Film Editing:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Dark Knight
Slumdog Millionaire
Why waste time writing an intro to this, Slumdog wins. My Prediction: Slumdog Millionaire, What Could Win: The Dark Knight, What Should Win: The Dark Knight
Best Original Screenplay
Frozen River by Courtney Hunt
Happy-Go-Lucky by Mike Liegh
In Bruges by Martin McDonagh
Milk by Dustin Lance Black
Wall-e by Andrew Stanton & Others
This category is for me the hardest of the night to predict. While many blogs have chalked this one up to Milk, the frontrunner which won a screenplay award last night at the Spirit Awards, I feel that if there is to be an upset tonight it will come here. Wall- e is the closest competition to Milk, and a very popular film that is basically 100 % scene and action description. In Bruges, my favorite of the group and probably the best written of the screenplays as well has won many precursors but can it overcome the one-two powerouse of Milk and Wall-e? The same question goes for Frozen River, which has no shot, and Happy-Go-lucky, the darjhorse of the group.
My Prediction: Milk by Dustin Lance Black
What Could Win: Wall-e by Andrew Stanton
What Should Win: In Bruges by Martin McDonagh (PLEASE LET THIS HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Best Adapted Screenplay
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button- Eric Roth & Robin Swicord
Doubt- John Patrick Shanley
Frost/Nixon- Peter Morgan
The Reader- David Hare
Slumdog Millionaire- Simon Beaufoy
This is the antithesis of the original screenplay race, Slumdog Millionaire is the frontrunner by a mile, and the only film with a shot to unseat it is Ben Button which we all know wont happen.
My Prediction: Slumdog Millionaire
What Could Win: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
What Should Win: The Reader
Best Supporting Actress
Amy Adams forDoubt
Penelope Cruz for Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Viola Davis for Doubt
Taraji P. Henson for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Marisa Tomei for The Wrestler
Many are describing this race a 5 women competition implying that anyone could win. I 100 percent agree, anyone of these gals could end up on stage tonight which makes this a hard to spot race. I think the weakest link is obviously Amy Adams, even though I prefered her to Viola Davis who is going head to head with Penelope Cruz for frontrunner status. Taraji benefits for being in a BP nominee and Marisa Tomei bared her soul (among other things) on screen in the truest supporting performance of the year.
My Prediction: Peneope Cruz for Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Who Could Win: Viola Davis for Doubt
Who Should Win: Marisa Tomei for The Wrestler
Best Supporting Actor:
Josh Brolin for Milk
Robert Downey Jr. for Tropic Thunder
Phillip Seymour Hoffman for Doubt
Heath Ledger for The Dark Knight
Michael Shannon for Revolutionary Road
All I have to say is this: I feel sorry for the man who ends up beating Heath tonight, even though that wont happen, that would not be a good sitch to be in.
My Prediction: Heath Ledger for The Dark Knight
Who Could Win: N/A
Who Should Win: Heath Ledger for The Dark Knight
Best Actress:
My Prediction: Kate Winslet for The Reader
Who Could Win: Meryl Streeep for Doubt
Who Should Win: Kate Winslet for The Reader
Best Actor:
My Prediction: Mickey Rourke for The Wrestler
Who Could Win: Sean Penn for Milk
Who should Win: Mickey Rourke
I blazed through these because we have a mere 30 minutes until the redcarpet cut off, my rational for these two picks is basically, they deserve it and both were phenominal.
Why? Because the movie is decent and a deserving winner, and because who are the Academy to upset an awards season sweep not seen since Schindler's List stormed into the Oscars way back in 93'
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