BAFTAs have never really held that much importance to me. Maybe because of how different the British culture and way of thinking is compared to here in the U.S., maybe it's because I dont have BBC and, thus, cannot view them ever. One thing I am sure of, however, is the fact that the Orange Film Awards, or whatever they call them, are frequently a pretty good prognosticator of what is to come on Oscar night. Last year, both Marion Cottilard and Tilda Swinton were first awarded at the baftas along with Daniel Day-Lewis and Javier Bardem. In case you werent counting thats a 4-4 matchup in the acting categories. They also awarded Forest Whitaker, Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Jamie Foxx in the three years before that, and in the Best Actress category, the Brits awarded both Helen Mirren and Reese Witherspoon matching with Oscar the last three years running. In the supporting categories the Baftas and Oscar both agreed over Alan Arkin and Javier Bardem the last two years, and the only time the two bodies disagreed on Supporting Actress since 2001 was in 2005 when Rachel Weisz recieved a lead actress nod instead of supporting.
Now, Best Director has been split up frequently between the Oscars and BAFTA, only matching up 3 times in the last decade, agreeing upon the Coen Bros. last year, Ang Lee in 2005 and Roman Polanski in 2002. So that is a category best left up to the DGA.
Finally, the Best Picture is...wait, Best Film ? Either way BAFTA can be confusing on this one. With three Best Film awards handed out each year, for Best Film, Best English Film and Best Film In A foreign Language, it can be very hard to find simmilarities with the Oscars, only agreeing 4 times since Shakespeare In Love won in '98. what does this mean ?
When it comes to Acting, BAFTA and OSCAR are best buds, but anywhere else, they always find a way to split up.
So..here are my thoughts on this year's BAFTA nominees. In the major categories only...for now.

Best Film
“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"
“The Reader”
“Slumdog Millionaire”
Basically, this year has been boring as shit for movies if the same 4 keep getting nominated. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Frost/Nixon, Milk and Slumdog Millionaire are getting nominations. I'd stake anything on that fact. Well...not anything, but I'm pretty sure about it.
The Reader's inclusion does not suprise me at all, as I predicted it yesterday, but even though I did predict a Dark Knight snub I didnt expect it. I still say it makes it on Tuesday morning though.
Slumdog Millionaire takes this with ease, with more than ease. I'd just give the movie it's award now, so as to not make viewers waste their time.
I'm calling for a Slumdog Sweep, right here and now, you heard it here first.
Best Director
Clint Eastwood, “Changeling”
Dvid Fincher, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”
Ron Howard, “Frost/Nixon”
Stephen Daldry, “The Reader”
Danny Boyle, “Slumdog Millionaire”
This category shocked me. I loved Changeling but I did not expect at all that Clint would get a nod for it, and Ron Howard's inclusion was one I should have forseen. Instead, I opted for Sam Mendes and Chris Nolan. Why ? Because they are two beloved British directors. Duh..
On a side note, is it just me or is The reader building momentum ? Watch out for it, it could be the dark horse.
Just give it to Danny Boyle already, we all know that we're going to see a Slumdog sweep.
Best Actor
Frank Langella, “Frost/Nixon”
Dev Patel, “Slumdog Millionaire”
Sean Penn, “Milk”
Brad Pitt, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”
Mickey Rourke, “The Wrestler”
I completely bombed these in my predix, only forseeing Langella and Penn making it in, along with Leo DiCaprio, Michael Sheen and Michael Fassbinder. When I saw the long lists, I cant believe that I didnt suspect that both TCCoBB and The Wrestler would score acting nods. And most suprising, pleasant but suprising, was Dev Patel making it in. This clearly means that Slumdog is this years Belle of the ball.
I'm gonna have a bit of fun and predict that Dev Patel steals this as part of that Slumdog sweep I was talking about. His performance wasnt he best in the group, but he benefits from being the lead in not only 2008's best picture front runner, but the lead in a british best picture front runner.
Best Actress
Angelina Jolie, “Changeling”
Kristin Scott Thomas, “I’ve Loved You So Long”
Meryl Streep, “Doubt”
Kate Winslet, “The Reader”
Kate Winslet, “Revolutionary Road”
Hmm. do you think they like Kate Winslet ? I did pretty well actually in this one, sensing that Kate would get in twice for her roles, and also picking out Meryl streep and Krisitn scott Thomas. The only gal I missed was Angie, thinking that "Of course Happy-Go-lucky will get a ton of BAFTA love, freakin' Mike Leigh directed it, how could it not." Well, needless to say, but Sally aint a Happy-Go-Lucky girl right now. The BAFTAs were supposed to be hers to lose, and I bet that seeing her film entirely pimp-slapped didnt help either.
Kate takes it, but for which film ? I liked her better in Rev Road, but I'm thinking she'll win for the movie also nominated for Picture and Director.
Best Supporting Actor
Robert Downey Jr, “Tropic Thunder”
Brendan Gleeson, “In Bruges”
Philip Seymour Hoffman, “Doubt”
Heath Ledger, “The Dark Knight”
Brad Pitt, “Burn After Reading”
Well, kudos to me for picking Ledger and Gleeson at least. Apologies go out to Eddie Marsan, Peter O'Toole and especially David Kross, who I was dying to see get a little attention this year for his great english speaking debut in The Reader. On the bright side, I love these nominees, their so fun arent they ? Downey was a riot, I loved Gleason, Ledger was iconic yet again, Hoffman was amzing as always, and Pitt.. I've never seen the guy have so much fun on celluloid, this even tops Fight Club and Oceans 11. However, I think some well deserving actors were left off due to Pitt and Gleeson's inclusion.
Ledger takes this more easily than Slumdog in any other category.
Best Supporting Actress
Amy Adams, “Doubt”
Penelope Cruz, “Vicky Cristina Barcelona”
Freida Pinto, “Slumdog Millionaire”
Tilda Swinton, “Burn After Reading”
Marisa Tomei, “The Wrestler”
Freida Pinto and Tilda Swinton aside, I like these nominees very much. I'm happy to see Amy Adams continue to get love for her excellent turn in Doubt, as well as Penelope Cruz and Marisa Tomei. Otherwise, I think the oscars will also recognize Viola Davis and Kate Winslet for The reader along with Adams, Cruz and Tomei.
I'm sticking with my Slumdog Sweep vision, and picking the unworthy Freida Pinto to win in an upset.
That's all for now folks, I'm out for the day.
Tyler j. Pratt