Sorry guys I know its been a while, but with school and comin up to Toronto things have been pretty hectic. Fortunately, I've been privilidged enough to see 3 great films here so far with 3 oscar worthy leading men.
Adam Ressurected, starring Jeff goldblum is a stark, poignant look at a Holocaust survivor,played by Goldblum in his greatest preformance since The fly if not his best ever.
The same goes for Mickey Rourke in Darren Aronofsky's The Wrestler. Finally cashing in on his promise of great preformances, Rourke provides arguably the best screen preformance of this year so far and his best preformance ever. Marisa Tomei also continues to impress and become a supporting actress hopeful after last years Before the devil Knows Your Dead, and Evan Rachel Wood perfectly captures the anger of a girl whose been ignored her entire life.
I saw Che again for the second time, and while difficult to get through, Soderburgh provides litteraly every moment of the revolution it seems, Benicio Del Toro is Ernesto "Che" Guavara, capturing and embodying the spirit of the iconic revolutionary. The only negative word I could say is that while amazing, Del Toro lacks the providing of Che's inner self that Gael Garcia Bernal displayed in The Motorcycle Diaries.
I'll be back soon with more.
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