A brand new, up to date Oscar Hut blog is on the way! I know, try to contain your excitement, there only hasn't really been a post since the summer so I know my millions of readers are dying for me to come back..hahaha it's not really a funny joke at all. I know ive been slacking as of late but as Captain Gene said in The Other Guys,: "I dont want no scrubs". Ive been a scrub as of late and I apologize for the lack of activity and over-abundunce of inactivity. Its definitely not chill, and on top of that I miss the game! I saw over 60 movies in theatres last year, more than half of which I have not written a word about, and it kills me a little bit inside that I've put my passion for prognosticating on the back burner. College life is sometimes a bit too much fun to go on the pc and be obsessing about Oscars and movies, but my love for the art of it overwhelms my desire to frat hard in the paint, and get smashed all the time.
Anywho, once again i apologize for the long hibernation this blog has been going through, and hope a few of you old readers out there choose to come back and read my rants and raves. Even a couple votes in any polls would suffice lol.
Groundhog Day, I hope to see a few some of you awsome human beings hitting up the site again, and most importantly, networking this shit for me if you like whjat you see.
Peace, love and good vibes,
Tyler Pratt
"The Oscar Hut"